Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Technology is the future. There is no doubt that technology will always provide us with an abundance of information that was not previously there for our ancestors. That being said, we could either take this to our advantage, or we can let these tools make us lazier when it comes to brainpower. How long will it be when our kids are far too lazy to even memorize their home phone numbers; so that if their battery dies on their cell phone, they could be stranded? Our brains are being hijacked by electrical equipment every day in some way given that you're not Amish. Memorizing street names will soon be useless, because we have satellites to take care of all of that for us through using our GPS. I predict the future generations to be pretty lazy. Technology will soon be solving all of our problems, and technology might some day be a problem unless it is utilized effectively to increase knowledge instead of prolong our learning. It would be cool to witness, but I would not be shocked if my grandchildren were competing academically with other kids who have had bio-mechanical modifications done to their brain in order to function at a higher level without effort. I know it sounds nerdy and Sci-Fi, but that is where we're headed, and I can't wait to see what we come up with next.

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