Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Since I began my story in rhyme, I suppose it would only be fair to continue it in rhyme.  Although I have chosen not to write my story along the same lines of my colleagues, I have still incorporated them into my piece accordingly!  I hope they do not mind!

If one were to name the sage in his place,
It'd have to account for his character and taste.
His birth in the spring brought his life all the same;
And so it was settled-- Ho Shun(1) was his name.

And so winter came and autumn came after,
And summer-day rest came with summer-day laughter.
The sage sat and waited for the beginning to end.
His journey was coming, but he'd still have his friends
To bring with him on his dangerous quest.
For fall came too soon; so he hoped for the best.
The sage packed his belongings and went to the station's
Front gate where his friends were waiting in patience.

First was the King, a powerful man.
Some called him King Arthur; some called him King Dan.
Slayer of dragons and beasts all the same,
His feats shone through stature as well through his name.
He talked with many gestures and walked with a stride.
Wearing golden armor with sword by his side.

Next was the Soldier, a warrior as well,
Who fought in all wars and lived with tales to tell.
They knew him as Eli, the best fighter of all.
His skills were outmatched, he stood eight feet tall.
His skin was of darkness; he had a low voice,
And black was his combative color of choice.
Dark pants were his legs, and then for his chest,
Was a thick-padded, impenetrable battle vest.
Needing no weapon, he fought with his hands,
It is no wonder he'd been the best in the lands.

Beside him was the Gypsy, a dark, little girl.
Her hair was the length of her body when unfurled.
Her attire of mixed colors under a large coat of blue,
Displayed her lifestyle, which was odd to be true.
She was never without her huge bag of things
With gizmos and gadgets, whatever she brings.
Her journey awaited where opportunity lies.
Miranda they called her: lopsided in size.

Last was the Scholar by the name of Lesther
From the house of Valenzuela, where learning was gestured.
He was a kind soul, but timid in manner.
He studied his books, and planned in his planner.
In every-day clothing such as shirt and shorts,
He was quite the able-minded cohort.

And so it began, with some steps of their boots,
Their destination known as the great "Institute,"
Wayfarers and highwaymen all journeyed there,
For what one wanted most was told to be shared.
As long as you reached the place's highest degree
Through danger and peril they knew there would be,
The pilgrims sought most what rewards they'd receive
And willing to die for what they might achieve.

As for King Dan, he sought fortune and fame,
While the scholar sought knowledge for every known name.
The Gypsy longed most for a place to call home
As the soldier wished for all power to come,
But what of the sage in his finest hour?
He sought not for fame, fortune, knowledge or power.
The sage wanted rest, and most of all peace
That could not be found in the West nor the East.
The "Institute's" secrets was his last chance
To ease his mind of his chronic trance,
And so began the greatest tale in the nation
As the five pilgrims took their first steps from the station...

(1.)  Ho Shun is the Japanese-Buddhist name for "Spring of Dharma," otherwise known as the spring of life/wisdom.

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